Nomes e Voces - Procura: The research project "Names and Voices" began in 2006, thanks to an agreement signed by the three Galician Universities with the Galician Ministry for Culture, in order to study repression in Galicia during the Civil War and Franco's dictatorship, to compile information and supply data relevant to the victims. It is therefore an historical research starting with the coup d'état of 1936, the war and the beginning of dictatorship, which aims at an in depth and complete study of these processes.For further research, Nomes e Voces database is available to download. Please, check use license. Mon, 10 Feb 2025 10:46:41 +0100 gl <![CDATA[Luis Villar Novo]]> Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100 Man 54 years old, Ship owner. Born in Malpica de Bergantiños (A Coruña). Lived in: Malpica, Malpica de Bergantiños (A Coruña). FET-JONS. Inculpado en causa militar en Ferrol, sendo revogado o procesado e posto en liberdade. <![CDATA[Clemente Rey Núñez]]> Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100 Man 39 years old, Farmer. Lived in: Boqueixón, Boqueixón. FET-JONS. Procesado na causa xudicial 1411 aberta en Compostela por presentar a falsa denuncia que iniciou o procedemento. Sentenzado a 2 meses de arresto maior. Sancionado con multa de 500 ptas. de RR.CC. <![CDATA[Francisco Armesto Vázquez]]> Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100 Man 33 years old, Watchwo/man. Born in A Coruña (A Coruña). Lived in: Rúa da Travesía de Villar, Malpica de Bergantiños (A Coruña). FET-JONS, Garda de peiraos. Xefe local de FET-JONS. Xulgado en Ferrol por rebelión militar co resultado de sobresemento <![CDATA[Laureano García Guitián]]> Thu, 01 Jan 1970 01:00:00 +0100 Man 32 years old, Lawyer. Born in Lalín (Pontevedra). Lived in: Lalín (Pontevedra). FET-JONS, Afiliado a Falange dende o Golpe militar.. Xulgado en Vigo por inxurias ao "caudillo" co resultado de sentenza a prisión 1 mes.