Here we provide some definitions that may be of help in trying to understand the records of the database.
Victim: Person who suffered any physical, economic, administrative and/or psychological damage as direct or indirect consequence of their lack of affinity/real or attributed differences with those involved in the coup.
Extrajudicial deaths: deaths happening without any type of "order". This is commonly known in Galicia as "paseos" (lit. taking for a walk).
Execution: people who died due to the ruling of a military court
Execution without a trial: people who were killed by the military after a governmental order, war edict, etc., without convening a military "court".
Dead in jail: people who died due to their stay in jail either due to disease, or after being tortured, etc.
Unidentified dead: dead who, according to the sources studied, cannot be classified under a particular type of death, they are usually those present in the literature.
Death sentences: people sentenced to death. Some were executed, others had their sentence commuted to the lower sentence available, life imprisonment.
Life sentence: People who were condemned to spend their lives in prison. Some had it commuted for shorter sentences.
Shorter imprisonment sentences: According to the crime, shorter sentences were issued.